Can highlighter & bronzer electric vehicles be charged for a long time? No.Many consumers know that,The phone cannot be overcharged,In fact, the same is true for electric vehicles.Many people are used to charging electric car batteries at night,Unplug the plug before going out in the morning,I think this can keep enough electricity. This is the oxidation phenomenon of silver, but it can be cleaned. Silver itself is not high in hardness and soft in texture, so it cannot be made into jewelry in pure quality, but is often cast with other metals and metals. The standard highlighter & bronzer content is silver content above 92.5%, which is called International standard silver, it is an anti-allergic material, and those with sensitive skin can wear it safely. One yellow and two white, it should be yellow and negative, one red, one black and one white, and the normal red and black are negative.I don't know!\ N a yellow and white, it should be yellow and negative, one red and one black and one white, normal red positive black negative \ n I don't know either! Professional R & D teamGuangzhou Doriff Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has a professional team to provide tailor-made services according to customer's required size and style.
Professional R & D team
A number of cosmetics quality system certification
10W dust free workshop
I provide brand to you, can you make the product I want?
Yes, we will provide one-stop solutions for design, development, production and testing according to your needs
Can you produce all your makeup?
Yes, but we mainly produce lipstick, eye shadow and foundation. These products are exported very much every year and love our customers very much.
How long is your production cycle?
30-35 days after sample confirmation