We clearly know that when business owners, industry leaders, and retailers are all consolidated to the Face makeup products exhibition, it will provide us with the chance to stay updated on the industry trends, discover new products, and innovate ways to develop new products for our company. All of them adopt three-stage charging mode,When you run out of 100%,The general charging time will be 8 ~ For 10 hours,Don't exceed 12 hours (will have an impact on battery life ),Of course, it is not recommended to use the electricity every time you use it,It is generally recommended that your car be charged with a power consumption of about 70%.A number of cosmetics quality system certification you can install the Face makeup products ceiling lamp. The lamps should be 2-3 m from the ground. Mainly depends on the height of your house.Mainly depends on the height of your home \ nbest natural compact powder is designed to provide features over a long service life.
Professional R & D team
Over the years the production of products 0 customer complaints
Has its own technology research and development team, large-scale GMPC production workshop, modern fully automatic production equipment, and imported raw material supply chain
How long is your production cycle?
30-35 days after sample confirmation
Do you offer shipping assistance?
Yes, we will choose the shipping company according to the address you want to arrive at, and discuss the safe and preferential shipping price
I provide brand to you, can you make the product I want?
Yes, we will provide one-stop solutions for design, development, production and testing according to your needs