Then you have this market in Russia, where we have a lot of tenders, especially in the mouth surgery, the timing is very important. Therefore, we expect the number of tenders to increase for the remainder of this year. So we have not quantified the isolated impact of Russia, but in addition to that, the impact from North Africa is the same.
The 9 kg propane gas cylinder is ideal for spraying lamps and small agricultural machinery. 5 kg and 7 kg TBG gas cylinders refilled, ideal for small portable heaters and caravans 6 kg propane gas cylinders refilled cylinders if you want to heat or Cook, there is an LPG gas cylinder suitable for your needs and space requirements.
Add a unique design using a template, or paint freehand with a fabric. Get your family involved and paint on the sheets as a craft project. Wash your flat sheets as usual. After drying, iron it to remove all wrinkles. Pick a template from a local craft store or make your own template with a piece of cardboard.